亚当斯,阿比盖尔 约翰亚当斯,
波士顿 1776年7月29日

I write you now, thanks be to Heaven, free from paine, in Good Spirits, but weak 和 feeble. 我所有的痛苦只产生了一次爆发. I think I can have no reason to be doubtfull with regard to myself as the Symptoms run so high 和 my Arm opperated in the best manner. 这个季节天花发作得很怪, there are Seven out of our Number that have not yet had it, 我们4个孩子中有3个已经接种了两次疫苗, 其中的两个,查尔斯和汤米没有一个症状. I have indulged them in rather freer living than before 和 hope they will not long remain doubtfull. 夫人. Cranch 和 Cotton Tufts have been in Town almost 3 weeks 和 have had the innoculation repeated 4 times 和 can not make it 66取. 夫人也是. 林肯. 露西·克兰奇和比利1 在同一个州. 贝基·佩克,她和我们生活在一起, 难道到了一只眼睛瞎了的地步吗, 膨胀会巨大地, 我相信她有一万. She is really an object to look at; tho she is not Dr. 神病人. 约翰尼也有ctly as one would wish, enough to be well satisfied 和 yet not be troublesome. 我们订购了所有能得到的空气, 当我们不能走路时,我们必须骑马, 如果我们既不能走路也不能骑马, 我们必须被领导. 我们整夜开着窗户睡觉, 躺在地毯或草床上, 床垫或任何硬的东西, 戒绝酒精, 盐和脂肪, 吃的水果, 我们所能得到的, 那些喜欢非季节性蔬菜的人可以吃它们, 但那不是我.—This doubtfull Buisness is very dissagreable as it will detain us much longer, but there are several instances now of persons who thought they had had it, 并且被找回来了, 自由自在地生活, 而现在,我们有充足的理由. Mr. Joseph Edwards wife for one, 和 queer work she makes of it you may be sure. The Doctors say they cannot account for it, unless the free presperation throws it off. Every physician has a number of patients in this doubtfull State. Where it does 取 和 the patient lives any thing free, they have a Doze of it. 凉爽的天气更适合天花. I have not got rid of any terrors of the small pox but that of not being liable to it again, which you will say is a very great one; but what I mean is that I should dread it more now than before I saw it, 我有责任吗. 如果我们考虑到现在拥有它的人数, 按七千计算, 其中3000人来自农村, 这非常有利, tho not so certain as it was last winter with many patients. Mr. Shaw who was innoculated at the same time when I 和 3 of my children were out of the same Box, 根据他的说法,他的生活比我们低, 我们每个人都有一份吗. 这是无法解释的. We did not 取 so much phisick as many others neither. If this last does not 取 I shall certainly try them with some wine.

Dr. Sawyer of Newbury Port lost a child 9 years old last week with the Distemper, 和 Coll. Robinson of Dorchester lies extreem bad with a mortification in his kidneys. Some such instances we must expect among such a variety of persons 和 constitutions.

I rejoice Exceedingly at the Success which General Lee has met with. 我相信男人们很快就会来的. They are raising, but the 质量achusets has been draind for Sea Service as well as l和. The Men were procured in this Town last week; we have 取n a vessel from Halifax bound to New York, 我们应该 67call a prize but that it containd about 14 Tories among whom is that infamous Wretch of a Ben Davis the Ginger Bread Robber. How many little ones can say I was an Hungry 和 you gave me no Bread, 却不人道地夺走了我仅有的一点财产.2 I wish the Sea or any other Element had them rather than we should be tormented with them. Friends 和 connextions are very bad things in such times as these. Interest will be made, 和 impartial Justice obstructed, we catch flies 和 let the wasps go.—Hark a General Huzza of the populace, these wretches are just committed to jail.

The Continential Troops are near all gone from this Town, all I believe who are in a Marching State. The small pox has been General amongst them 和 exceeding favourable.

I have requested of Judge Cushing to write you an account of his circut 和 he has promised to do it.3 他和他的夫人都在接种疫苗. When I came into Town I was in great hopes that if we did well we should be able to return in about 3 weeks, 我们本可以做到的, 如果它像以前一样运作. Now I fear it will be 5 weeks before we shall all get through but I must not complain. When I cast my eye upon Becky whose Symptoms were not half so high as mine or some of the rest of us, 看看她是一个多么可爱的对象,我沉默了, 并崇拜上帝对我们的仁慈.

她的博士. 说她不危险. Col. Warren has sufferd as much pain as I did, but has more to shew for it, he is very cleverly spatterd. 夫人. Warren is now strugling with it, to one of her constitution it opperates in faintings 和 langour. 它在贝琪·克兰奇身上这样做了,但当它找到它的时候s 一路走来,它运转得很好.-我相信你会厌倦听到天花的, but you bid me write every post 和 suppose you are anxious to hear how we have it. The next post I hope to tell you that they all have it, who now remain uncertain.


RC (亚当斯的论文); addressed in John Thaxter's h和: “To The Honble: John 亚当斯 Esqr. at Philadelphia To be left at the Post Office”; postmarked: “BOSTON 29 IY”; endorsed: “Portia.”


This is the first mention, individually, in these letters of 威廉嘎吱嘎吱的声音 (1769-1855),哈佛大学,1787年的侄子 AA who will often be mentioned later 和 will have his own part in the 亚当斯家书. He was to enjoy a long 和 distinguished career as a federal judge in the District of Columbia 和 as a reporter of cases in his own court 和 the U.S. 最高法院. 参见亚当斯家谱.


这句话背后隐藏着什么 AA 现在还不知道. 老本杰明·戴维斯. (1729–1805) 和 his son Benjamin were captured at sea by the armed schooners 汉考克富兰克林. 戴维斯老. was a 波士顿ian, a S和emanian, 和 a man of wealth, though in the 68List of Addressers of Hutchinson in 1774 he is entered as a “Huckster” of Town Dock. During the siege of 波士顿 he served in the Associated Loyalists. After his capture he remained imprisoned in 波士顿 until June 1777, 当他被交换去纽约的时候. Proscribed by the General Court in 1778, he settled after the war in Shelburne, N.S.但他在去世前回到了波士顿. 看到 波士顿公报8月5日. 1776; 利记APP官网手机版, 风怒. , 1号., 11 (1869–1870):392; Col. Soc. 质量., Pubns. , 5 (1902):269–270; 6 (1904):126–127; 琼斯, 弥撒保皇派 .


法官威廉·库欣(William Cushing)就是这样写的 date full of valuable information on the reopening of the Superior Court in Essex co. 缅因州的“东部巡回”( 亚当斯 论文).